Monday, May 18, 2020

The Shift Of Modern Technology - 1622 Words

Adam Bobka English 12 Scott Durocher January 6, 2015 The Shift of Modern Technology Technology has always been changing and evolving. Whether it is discovering ways to cultivate plants and animals or if it is developing the smallest nano-technology to be used in space, there is never a time where scientists and inventors are not coming up with new things to better our quality of life and to change how we work in society. The last decade has been especially important to the development of technology in many different aspects such as healthcare, or globalization. The contemporary shift of technology within the last decade has been a revolutionary stepping stone into the possibilities of the future. The changes in healthcare have been excitingly revolutionary and act as a very large gate into the possibilities of the future for health services. The way that hospitals store their data has changed monumentally. This change allows for faster accessibility to health information of a patient and even allows for a patient to access their o wn health records if they want to. This change in speed is very different from the old paper records of the past, and the more things that health services moves on to a technological database, the safer the information is and the faster it can be obtained. Another thing that all this information being quickly available is that healthcare is receivable almost anywhere in this day and age. With all this freedom, some people in the healthcareShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Plate Tectonics1049 Words   |  5 Pageswith how we are able to prove his theory more accurate with modern technology. I will also be discussing how natural things such as, mountains, volcanoes, and cracks in the earth’s crust help to validate it. How can we tell if tectonic plates move and if the earth was once one huge land mass? 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