Monday, December 16, 2019

Essay on Can Pedophiles Be Cured - 2642 Words

Have you ever asked the question, how we know if a pedophile or sex offender can ever be cured or rehabilitated. Would I be comfortable with them living in my neighborhood? If you have you are just like the rest of the world. Pedophilia is a true illness, and not just in my opinion it also in the DSMIV 302.2. We may never truly be comfortable with the thought that researchers say Pedophiles can not be cured, but they can be rehabilitated in time with and they have test to prove it, Pedophilia is a medical diagnosis, which is defined as a psychiatric disorder in adults or older adolescents, ranging from ages 16 and older. Pedophilia is characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent†¦show more content†¦Dr. Herbert Wagemaker also stated that pedophilia generally runs in families. Boys who are molested often molest boys when they grow up. The question was asked (Do they molest because they were molested or because they have a genetic sexual orientation toward children?) Research and statistic show that most pedophiles are men; however there are some women that have been diagnosed with this disorder. There has been no real cure for pedophilia, but there have been several assessments created to measure the risk of a pedophile if released back into the community, or if rehabilitation has been achieved. The test includes, but not limited to the Penile Plethysmograph, Pedophile grooming assessment and arousal reconditioning. The Penile Plethysmograph (PPG) is a controversial type of plethysmograph that measures changes in blood flow in the penis in response to audio and, or visual stimuli. The PPG is typically used to determine the level of sexual arousal as the subject is exposed to sexually suggestive content, such as photos, movies or audio. The original PPG device was developed by researcher Kurt Freund in Czechoslovakia during the 1950s. The motivation for its development was to prevent draft dodgers from claiming that they were homosexual in order to avoid military service. The original plethysmograph has an approximate 80 year history. As far back as 1908, a type of plethysmograph was used to check theShow MoreRelatedPedophilia Is An Increase Sense The New Age Of Technology1648 Words   |  7 Pagesfamily members. The person normally does not become violent and only wants to complete the sexual act. Furthermore, the molester does not think that he or she is forcing the child to do anything. Most pedophiles are adolescent men and are heterosexual which is contrary to popular beliefs. Pedophiles normally start out by thinking and fantasizing about sexual interaction, then they move on to touching, and finally some take part in intercourse but not always. 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