Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Diversity Of The Caribbean - 881 Words

To accomplish some task, it is best to work as a team to get things done in a timely manner. That is always my expectation from a group which can be challenging because everyone has their own expectations and priorities. Although, teamwork is a skill that is needed in the workforce not everyone has mastered this skill. I had the pleasure recently to be part of a group, not everyone work as a team, I am not aware of the reasons but was satisfied with some of the outcome. The Caribbean Spices was comprised of four females from diverse backgrounds Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, and Jamaica. Diversity is not always just about the background but is anything uniquely different between human beings. Our diversity includes physical appearance, religious belief, race, opinions, thoughts and the impact we are making on society and the environment we desire to work in as upcoming social workers. Our group was form not because we knew each other from previous classes, but from the proximity of our seats to each other. Throughout this group member are learning what to do, how the group will operate, what is expected from each other, and what is acceptable and not. We were all motivated to achieve the goals and overcome any hurdles that might arise I did not experience all stages within the group development and different roles that were to take place. The group came together on the 20 of January we collectively created a contract that each member signed and agree to not everyone adhere to. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Conventional Narrative Accounting For The Demographic Diversity Of The Caribbean1567 Words   |  7 PagesThe conventional narrative accounting for the demographic diversity of the Caribbean asserts that after the ‘discovery’ of the islands by Columbus, disease and maltreatment by Spaniards decimated the Indigenous populations. The assumed extinction of these Indigenous populations necessitated the securing of a new supply of manual labour capable of surviving in the tropics and working the newly established plantations and mines. This supply started with European migrants at first, but soon turned toRead MoreEssay about Challenges of Caribbean Society in Achieving National Unity886 Words   |  4 Page sChallenges of Caribbean Society in Achieving National Unity There have been many attempts for the Caribbean nations to come together as one, leading to national unity in the region. Some attempts at unity include: Federation, CARICOM (Caribbean Community), CARIFTA (Caribbean Free Trade Association), CDB (Caribbean Development Bank), UWI (University of the West Indies), CXC (Caribbean Examinations Council), and recently CSME (Caribbean Single Market and Economy), whichRead MorePlantation Society and Creole Society Essay example793 Words   |  4 PagesSociety and Creole Society There is a vast range of cultural diversity in the Caribbean today. In this paper, I would be discussing the similarities and differences found between the plantation society model and the Creole society model. The plantation model was developed in the late 1960’s. According to the book Mustapha (2009), the plantation system played a dominant role in the economic, social, political and cultural life of the Caribbean. George Beckford (1972) saw the plantation system as a totalRead MoreNuclear Family: Definition, Advantages Disadvantages993 Words   |  4 Pagesthere’s many more factors causing more family diversity and how this means the nuclear family isn’t necessarily the norm and that this diversity represents a greater freedom of choice and acceptance of cultures. For example cultural diversity, they say is that different cultures, religions and ethnic groups all have different structures living in the UK, an example of this would be Indian ethnic groups being a largely extended family and African-Caribbean households are mainly headed by women. TheyRead MoreSocial Stratification864 Words   |  4 PagesSOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND SOCIAL MOBILITY IN THE CARIBBEAN Presenter Ms. N. Lewis What is social Stratification? ï  ¬ This refers to the ranking of social groups according to one or more criteria deemed important to society. ï  ¬ The ranking indicates that some groups have more and others have less of what society values- for example, money, power and prestige. Types of stratification Systems There are two types of stratification systems: 1. Closed system of stratification 2. Open system of stratificationRead MoreThe World Cup Of The Middle Of A Crowd Singing1628 Words   |  7 Pagesnight at ten o’clock, I find myself in the middle of a crowd singing these lyrics at the top of my lungs. Comfortable vibes, nice music, and people from all over Broward and Miami-Dade County, gather at Runway Doral to represent their beautiful Caribbean nationalities. As I dance to the soca music and sing along to Popcaan’s â€Å"World Cup†, I always find myself appreciating my culture more than ever before. With my hands in the air, and my mind far from reality, I begin to realize that this is whereRead MoreDoes the Caribbean Contribute to the Americanization of Its Media?1336 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Do you believe Caribbean Media are victims or causal factors of the Americanization of Caribbean Culture?† There has been an ongoing debate as to whether The Americanization phenomenon, has been perpetuated by the media across the Caribbean. It must be stated, that the Americanization phenomenon, can be synonymous with Globalisation. Hence it very pertinent to the discussion, to first defines the denotative meaning of the term Globalisation. (Dr.Maria Alfaro) defines Globalisation as: â€Å"ARead MoreAn Unethical Behavior Among Its Nursing Staff1404 Words   |  6 Pageswas normally a language barrier. The unit nursing population is made up of 75% black, Caribbean Island nurses who were educated under the British education system. These nurses tend to be very religious. They bring their bibles to work, read and discuss biblical views with patients and other co-workers, and request Sundays off to attend church. Nurse Karen is an example of the deeply religious black, Caribbean Island nurse. Karen refuses to take care of patients with a history of abortion, whichRead MoreDoes the C aribbean Contribute to the Americanization of Its Media?1322 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Do you believe Caribbean Media are victims or causal factors of the Americanization of Caribbean Culture?† There has been an ongoing debate as to whether The Americanization phenomenon, has been perpetuated by the media across the Caribbean. It must be stated, that the Americanization phenomenon, can be synonymous with Globalisation. Hence it very pertinent to the discussion, to first defines the denotative meaning of the term Globalisation. (Dr.Maria Alfaro) defines Globalisation as: â€Å"ARead MoreThe Castle Of My Skin994 Words   |  4 Pagesunderlines the diverse nature of the Caribbean experience. The Antilles were, and are to this day, a region defined by its ethnic and cultural diversity. Due to the multiplicity of experiences which define the region, any singular narrative attempting to portray even one village would be overly simplistic as a result of the singular narrative which define most traditional novel. As such, Lamming utilizing different narrative and form to reflect the always changing diversity of the Barbados. As such, it is

Monday, December 16, 2019

Essay on Can Pedophiles Be Cured - 2642 Words

Have you ever asked the question, how we know if a pedophile or sex offender can ever be cured or rehabilitated. Would I be comfortable with them living in my neighborhood? If you have you are just like the rest of the world. Pedophilia is a true illness, and not just in my opinion it also in the DSMIV 302.2. We may never truly be comfortable with the thought that researchers say Pedophiles can not be cured, but they can be rehabilitated in time with and they have test to prove it, Pedophilia is a medical diagnosis, which is defined as a psychiatric disorder in adults or older adolescents, ranging from ages 16 and older. Pedophilia is characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent†¦show more content†¦Dr. Herbert Wagemaker also stated that pedophilia generally runs in families. Boys who are molested often molest boys when they grow up. The question was asked (Do they molest because they were molested or because they have a genetic sexual orientation toward children?) Research and statistic show that most pedophiles are men; however there are some women that have been diagnosed with this disorder. There has been no real cure for pedophilia, but there have been several assessments created to measure the risk of a pedophile if released back into the community, or if rehabilitation has been achieved. The test includes, but not limited to the Penile Plethysmograph, Pedophile grooming assessment and arousal reconditioning. The Penile Plethysmograph (PPG) is a controversial type of plethysmograph that measures changes in blood flow in the penis in response to audio and, or visual stimuli. The PPG is typically used to determine the level of sexual arousal as the subject is exposed to sexually suggestive content, such as photos, movies or audio. The original PPG device was developed by researcher Kurt Freund in Czechoslovakia during the 1950s. The motivation for its development was to prevent draft dodgers from claiming that they were homosexual in order to avoid military service. The original plethysmograph has an approximate 80 year history. As far back as 1908, a type of plethysmograph was used to check theShow MoreRelatedPedophilia Is An Increase Sense The New Age Of Technology1648 Words   |  7 Pagesfamily members. The person normally does not become violent and only wants to complete the sexual act. Furthermore, the molester does not think that he or she is forcing the child to do anything. Most pedophiles are adolescent men and are heterosexual which is contrary to popular beliefs. Pedophiles normally start out by thinking and fantasizing about sexual interaction, then they move on to touching, and finally some take part in intercourse but not always. Pedophilic disorder normally lasts a lifeRead MoreThe Uprising Question Here Is Why Are Individuals ( Mostly Men ) Sexually Attracted?1054 Words   |  5 Pagesreported in order to get help for those who are being affected by this. Society seems to bring a misconception with this term. This can be explained as the word pedophile being used as a label for those who are child molesters, sex offenders, perpetrators, rapists, abusers, or any other type of sexual offenses. This may create great confusion for us because the term pedophile is more exclusive in a way that it involves sexual encounters with only those of preadolescent ages. People who suffer from thisRead MoreWhy Are People Sexually Attracted? Children?1926 Words   |  8 Pagessexually attracted to children? Introduction A great many people envision pedophiles as monstrous old men wearing trench coats, stowing away in the brambles, holding up to grab youthful youngsters off the road. Be that as it may, late TV programs, for example, To Catch a Predator, have uncovered pedophiles as nearby neighbors, trusted companions, ministry, sitters, educators, and even relatives. Originations about pedophiles have been evolving quickly, and pedophilia has as of late turned into a subjectRead MoreThe On Willy Wonk Confectioner Or Pedophile1882 Words   |  8 PagesAmanda Oliver Professor William Dever English 112 27 October 2016 Willy Wonka: Confectioner or Pedophile â€Å"Empty space eventually fills up with something. A void, cultivated in the aftermath of misfortune, begins to attract the wrong kind of attention.† Rahma Krambo, Guardian Cats and the Lost Books of Alexandria It can be inferred from modern technology and studies that maltreatment during childhood can lead to detrimental effects such as depression as well as impaired cognitive and socio-emotionalRead MoreVisual Communication : Homosexuality And Realism1633 Words   |  7 PagesVisual Communication Homosexuality (and realism in art) Anissha Govind 15CGA01 Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of Design at INSCAPE EDUCATION GROUP Cape Town Lecturer: Carol Gainer Homosexuality can be defined, according to, as â€Å"sexual desire or behaviour directed toward a person or persons of one s own sex.† 6 (DON’T USE FOOTNOTES!) and is seen as a form of sexuality 15 (DON’T USE FOOTNOTES!). Homosexual males are often referredRead MoreCambodia: A Place of Countless Struggles1545 Words   |  6 Pages They specifically targeted Buddhists, ethnic groups and those who were educated in society (Chigas and Mosyakov). The genocide was short lived but it had long-lasting effects, leaving Cambodia in a frenzy of poverty and disease. In 2014, Cambodia can still feel aftershocks of this terrible occurrence, and it contributes to the rising sexual trafficking and exploitation seen across the country. Because of the poverty and ruin the genocide left Cambodia in, families still struggle to make ends meetRead MoreCapitalism Is Not Only Brings Out The Worst1726 Words   |  7 Pagesviolence inherent in any symbolic order, a discu ssion of violence must precede its effects. It is easy to observe what I will call ‘subjective’ violence; however, doing so taints an ‘objective’ assessment. By subjective violence, I mean acts that we can describe as breaking the status quo or utterly unacceptable; spewing a spit ball, punching a friend, engaging in armed conflict, and so on. Objective violence is the status quo, or systemic acts maintaining the existing order; profit schemes enablingRead MoreCurse: A Short Story Essay1616 Words   |  7 Pagesold witches and everyone else who might be able to help him. His search was pointless. He felt he cant trust most of those people and those few who he thought he could trust either told him they dont know anything about it or that it cant be cured. Then, as it usually happens, he turned to rumors, legends and myths. Those led him all around the land in his desperate search. Search which came up with nothing. He felt defeated, crushed. All those emotions he didnt know how to handle startedRead MoreHuman Sexuality and Sex4603 Words   |  19 Pagesas some prefer to call themselves- maintain a deep and caring emotional bond with their non-human partners 16. 17.~The animal side: consent and understanding~ 18. 19.The foremost considered issue when considering bestiality is that of consent. Can an animal consent? Popular wisdom says no. Before determining whether they may consent however, one must consider what consent is and what it means. 20. 21.Consent, most essentially and basically, is agreeing to participate in an action, or to haveRead MoreHuman Trafficking Is The Illegal Movement Of Men, Women,1995 Words   |  8 Pagesinto the hands of traffickers, in that person’s country or abroad. The penalty can be up to 10 years to life depending on the severity of the offense or case. Some forms of sex trafficking are more visible than others such as street prostitution. Although most types go unseen, for example, unmarked brothels in unsuspected places, most reasons for people, mainly men, to start human trafficking is because in some areas it can produce a good profit because opportunities for education and legitimate employment

Sunday, December 8, 2019

2 Xtreme Essay Example For Students

2 Xtreme Essay Tricks to try!:Snowboard Triangle, Square, X, OMountain bikeX, square, triangle, OX, O, Square, TriangleSkateboardTriangle, X, Square, OIn-line skate O, Square, X, TriangleAce Combat 2You can do anything you want!:Music TestComplete the game with a rank higher than First Lieutenant. A selection for music player mode will appear in the options menu. Press L1 or L2 to jump to the next track, R1 or R2 to jump to the previous track, Circle to select a track, Select to toggle the screen, and Square, Triangle, or X to quit. Free Mission ModeComplete the Kingpin mission. A Free Mission option that allows any mission to be played will appear at the opening menu. View All AircraftComplete the game with a rank of General. Lock Replay ViewHold Square during a replay to lock the camera. Alternate Mission Map ViewHighlight the Mission option on the mission selection screen, and press Select. XFA-27 FighterComplete the game under normal difficulty. Play the game again under hard difficulty and rea ch the low altitude surprise attack mission (Dead End). Locate and destroy the four YF-23As in the special Fox Force Four squadron south of the target. A medal and the XFA-27 will be awarded on the debriefing screen. Adidas Power SoccerThe #1 Team, that rocks all:In the options menu Press: L2 , R2 , Square, X Advanced soccer techniques:These moves should help you tremendously during a soccer match: Legend:T = TriangleS = SquareO = CircleX = XBack Flick: O + TBack Heel: S + X Power Shot: T + X Pull Shirt: T + O (defense only) Karate Kick: S + X (defense only)Two-Handed Push: T + X (defending)Female Commentator:Go to arcade mode, highlight the commentator option, and press the Circle and Square. Adventures of LomaxAllows for players to skip levels:Press: Down, Start, Up (PRESS HOLD), Left 1 (PRESS HOLD),Triangle Circle, X, Square. A number should have appeared to the left of Lomax). Now to skip a level (PRESS HOLD) to skip a level: UP, Left 1, SELECT START. You can now enable the Cheater Chopper cheat! Take flight at will:You can only access this code after youve accomplished the Level Skip Cheat. Once in Helicopter Mode: Select the chopper, then press LEFT 1 ; SQUARE to fly around the levels. Andretti RacingBring up a menu of secret options for modifying your car on the fly:While racing, pause game, and select race strategy. Now press and hold L1+L2+R1+R2+X+O+Select. Armored CoreDifferent camera views:Fixed Camera:You can switch to a fixed camera angle by pressing Circle + X + Start. Mech View:To switch to first-person view during play, press Triangle + Square + Start at thesame time then unpause the game. To return to third-person view,just pause the game then unpause it. Auto DestructLevel Codes:2nd level: gSMTkJBVm3rd level: gSMTJfYsZ4th level: gqBJCkLmv5th level: gvBKYgfNv6th level: fnFKgdHNr7th level: fnFKfdHNf8th Level: fnBVgqHNrlast level: rrJTfSFTrActivate Blood mode, Angel mode, and tons of other cheats.:During play, pause the game and press Up, Do wn, Left, Right, Down, Right, L1, R1, R1 to gain access the Cheat Menu. Fromthere input any one of the following codes for the desired effect. Blood Mode: Press L1, Down, R1, Left, L1, Right, R1Angel Mode: Activate Blood Mode, then press Up, R1, Down, L1, Up, Left, R1, Right, L1. Extra Tune: Press DOWN, L1, L1, O, O, R1, UP, SQUARE, L1 Invulnerability: Press L1, L1, L1, L1, LEFT, O, O, SQUARE, L1 Next Mission: Press L1, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP, R1 Tune Up Menu: Press L1, R1, L1, UP, DOWN, O, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, SQUARE, R1Car Select (from Tune Up menu): Press LEFT, R1, RIGHT, R1, LEFT, R1, RIGHT, R1 All Time Trials: Press R1, L1, O, LEFT, O, O, RIGHT, L1, O Mission Select: Press UP, DOWN, O, L1, R1, L1, O, UP, DOWN More Cash: Press L1, R1, UP, O, DOWN, SQUARE, LEFT, R1, L1 More Nitros: Press L1, O, DOWN, L1, UP, SQUARE, O, R1 Infinite Fuel: Press L1, O, RIGHT, L1, O, R1, L1, UP, R1, DOWNAzure DreamsLife Replenish:Go to any corner and press Triangle + Circle repeatedly until your up to full power!Ballblazer ChampionsShrinking Rotofoil (happy face code), and Master Dome Level Select:Abbreviations: S = squareT = triangleO = circleX = easy to figure out!L1, L2, R1, R2 = see aboveShrinking Rotofoil:In the password screen enter:X O X X O XX X X X X XX X T T X XS X X X X SX S S S S X(Note: the code resembles a smiling face!!) To jump to the Master Dome stadium in the tournament, with the difficulty on Easy, and with 1 previous loss on your record, enter:O L1 L1 R1 R2 L2X S S R1 R2 R1R2 T L2 R1 L2 OL2 R2 R1 X L1 R2S L2 R1 X R1 R1BattlestationsLevel skip code.:Level SkipBegin game play in single player mode. Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Select and press Start + X. Battle Arena Toshinden 3Secret characters and other tricks.:Random Select Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 at the character select. Press Square, Triangle, X, or Circle while selection box is moving. Remove DisplayPause a fight. Hold Circle + Triangle + Square + X and press Select. This removes the continue, options and reset selections. While continuing to hold the four buttons, press Select again. This removes the Life and Over Drive bars. To return the display to normal, repeat the code while pressing Select once. Play as Sub-bossesBeat the game with each basic character at level three or higher to u nlock his or her sub-boss. Play as ShouUnlock all the sub-bosses, then beat the game with Vermilion at level three or higher. Play as AbelBeat the game with Shou at level seven. Play as VeilBeat the game with Abel at level seven. Play as NaruBeat the game with Veil at level seven. Alternate CostumesBeat the game with Naru at level seven. Use Square or X to select a character. Instant Secret MovesBeat the game with Naru, then set two or more of the shoulder buttons to special moves. Press all special move buttons at once to perform a secret move. Note that this does not work for all characters. Unlimited Soul BombsPress Start to pause a match. Use the controller configuration option to map the L1, L2, R1, and R2 keys to Soul Bombs. Resume game play and press one of the those buttons and X simultaneously to release a Soul Bomb. That button combination may be pressed an unlimited amount of times during the match. Manual Camera ControlEnter the button configuration menu, highlight any s houlder button, and press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2. The controls for the shoulder buttons will change to camera view controls. The view may now be rotated manually. Control Loading ScreenPress any controller button to alter the color of the phrase Now Loading. Beast WarsPick any level you want and destroy whos on it with these two great cheats.:Level skip:During play pause game then press and hold L2 while pressing Up, Down, Left, Right, Triangle, X, X, Triangle, Right, Left, Down, Up. Resume the game with L2 still held. Weapon power-up:During play pause game then press and hold L2 while pressing Up, Down, Left, Right, Triangle, X, and Square. Resume the game with L2 still held. Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. Fight Clonus and alternate View codes. :Fight Clonus OpponentHold Select while selecting an opponent at the character selection screen to fight against the Clonus version of that character, Alternate ViewHold L2 + R2 and press Away during a match. Hold L2 + R2 and press Down to return to normal view. Black DawnUnlimited access to the tools of death and destruction duty free!:Infinite Missiles 8005FCF0 0064Infinite Napalm8005FCF4 03E7Infinite Rockets8005FCF2 0064Infinite TAC8005FCF6 03E7Mission skip, max weapons, max fuel ammo, plus other cool codes:During gameplay press: Select, L2, Select, R2. Then enter any one of the codes below: (T = Triangle)Max Fuel Ammo T, T, T, O Cycle Gun Modes Select, Select, Select Screen Mode Toggle Down, R1, R2Max Weapons L1, L2, R1, R2 Summon Wingman S, S, S, O Mission Complete T, T, T, Down, Down, Down Upgrade Current Weapon L1, L1, R1, R1Blast ChamberBlow the competition away before the games begin by starting on the level of your choice!:NA EMMAAB MAGDIEAHNINKPDMEMJKKAMKCJODPIGEHICJPABNAInfinite lives, joy!:Legend: S= SquareC= CircleL= LeftR= RightD= DownU= UpAt the title screen press:S, L, S, R, C, D, C, U. Now enter the options menu and choose solo survivor. You now have infinite lives. BlastoSecret Babes View Option:If you manage to finish the game with all the babes rescued, go to start game and there is a new option view babes. I think you can figure out the rest Blazing DragonsGo straight to the final level:V?U5MK 4N6LUL OHW5CB BRAHMA Force: The Assault on Beltlogger 9Check out the hidden, secret, behind-the-scenes stuff!:First you must beat the game within two hours (with a memory card in the slot). Then wait till the game returns to the title screen. The words Press Start should be on the screen, so go ahead and press start. A new word, special, should appear on the screen. Highlight this and behold! A menu appears that features a stage select, a video and sound test, and more! Bravo Air RaceFaster planes, extra planes, and alternate colors.:Note: This game is also titled Reciproheat 5000. Turbo GeeBeeRapidly tap X at the Now Loading screen until the GeeBee aircraft flies to the top of the screen. The word Good!! will appear to confirm correct code entry. The GeeBee will now fly over 100 mph faster than normal during game play. Extra PlanesHold R1 + L2 and quickly press Select(20) on controller two at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. The F-16 and F-117A will be available on the plane selection screen. Alternate Plane ColorHold R2 + L1 while the game loads. Bubsy 3DCheat your way through the game!:Enter one of the following passwords at the load and save game screen. Note: Press Left + Start after enabling the Zoom cheat to move around the level. Effect Password Level select XMVLCHTMSB 99 lives XMUCHOLIFE Level select and 99 lives XALLDBUGCR All rocket parts XTOOROCKER Add coordinates to Paws screen XDBUGLOCNC Enable zoom cheat XZOOMERKB Change shape XURASNAKER Access bonus rounds XBNSCHTMMM Burning RoadThree sort-of hidden Tracks:At the beginning of any one of the tracks, its possible to turn around and race the track in the opposite direction. Bushido Bladecodes Bushido BladeUnlock Katze:If you beat Slash Mode on hard without continuing, Katze (the character with the gun) will become playable. Bust-A-Move 2 Arcade EditionExtra Levels, Different Characters, and more! :Extra LevelsWhen Press Start appears on the title screen, press R1, Up, L2, Down. If you entered the code correctly a small green wizard will appear in the lower right corner. Start a new game and the phrase Another World will appear in the lower left corner. Different Characters Start a puzzle game, then at the map screen, press Left twice, Up, Down, L1 + L2 + R1 + R2. Now a character select screen will appear. Press Left or Right to select a character and press X to continue. Note: Bub will appear on the map screen, but your new character will be in the game. Extra Credits In the option menu, press Left, Right, R1, R2, L2, L1, Up, Down. A 30-second timer will appear in the upper-right corner. Quickly highlight the Credit selection and repeatedly tap X or Circle to add up to 30 credits!If you need more credits check out this trick:Select the options menu, and press L, R, R1, R2, L2, L1, UP, DOWN. Highlight the word credits. You will have thirty seconds to hit the X button as fast as you can. The faster you hit X, the more credits you will have when your time is up. Access the hidden characters:Select puzzle game mode. When the map screen appears, press L, L, U, D, then press L1, L2, R1, R2 simultaneously. A secret character selection screen will now appear. Its a whole new place to be!:Once the game has loaded up, and the words Press Start are blinking onscreen, press R1,U, L2, D. Now, select the Puzzle Game mode and try out the new world. Buster Bros. CollectionUse this code to find hidden levels or to select regular ones.:Bonus levels (B uster Buddies)Press X on controllers one and two when selecting a normal game. Ten extra stages will be available for game play. Level select (Super Buster Brothers and Buster Buddies)Press Down + X when selecting a normal game. Cardinal SynYou dont have to beat the game to use all of the characters, just use this code!:Play as Bimorphia When Press Start appears at the opening screen, press Right(3), Down, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Play as Juni When Press Start appears at the opening screen, press Up, Left, Left, Up, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Play as Kahn When Press Start appears at the opening screen, press Up(2), Down(2), Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Play as Moloch When Press Start appears at the opening screen, press Up, Right, Down, Left, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Play as Mongwan When Press Start appears at the opening screen, press Down(3), Up, Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Play as Redemptor When Press Start appears at the opening screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Play as Stygian When Press Start appears at the opening screen, press Left, Right, Left, Right, Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Play as Vodu When Press Start appears at the opening screen, press Left(3), Up, Circle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. CasperHow to beat the ghosts:Fatso near kitchen: Feed him hamburgers Stinky: spray perfume on him Stretch: use glue Fatso in bathtub: use camera General Fatso: use wind up key then hammer the tanksFarmer Stinky: use hammer and chisel to carve the stone in Graveyard Stretch: Use twister morph to lure him into grave site Castlevania: Symphony of the NightGet more out of the game after you beat it!:To play as Richter Belmont beat the game 160% or higher and enter your name as RICHTER To start the game with AXE ARMOR beat the game and enter the name AXEARMORFor 99 luck with the Lapis Luzuli (which gives+20 luck) beat the game and enterthe Name X-X!VQFor a hard game beat the game and enter the name X-X!VNote: All the names need to be entered after you beat the game with 160% or higherand are entered as a new game not renaming a saveCode Name: TenkaSkip to the end:To skip a level, pause the game during play. Press and hold L2 while pressing this button sequence: Circle, Circle, Square, Tri angle, R1, Square, Triangle, Circle. Then release L2. Bring out the big guns!:To gain access to all of the guns, pause the game during play. Press and hold L1, and enter the following: Triangle, R1, Triangle, Square, R1, Circle, Square, Square. Then release L1. Colony WarsWeapons cheat, infinite energy, and more! :For Super-cooled Weapons enter this password at the password entry screen in the options menu: Tranquillex. For infinite energy enter: Hestas*RetortFor level skip enter: Commander*JefferFor infinite secondary weapons enter: Memo*X33RTYCommand ConquerAll you need to win, its that simple.:Ion Cannon:During play, pause the game and press Right, Down, Left, Left, Down, Right, Right, Down, Left, X, Square, Triangle. Press start to resume play and activate your code. View map:During play, pause the game and press Circle, Circle, Circle, Up, Circle, Square, R1, Circle, Circle, Circle. Press start to reveal the map. Nuke em:While playing, pause the game and press Right, Down, Lef t, Left, Down, Right, Right, Down, Left, X, Up, X. Press start to resume play and launch your attack. GDI levels revealed:2 04XFOOP3W 3 W3KIESA3O 4 A8OTO3WIW 5 W1N457LJ4 6 OLXRH5ZUS 7 OX3CS3D4G 8 036Y0TVNY 9 V199PXG5L 10 8PH1NEGII 11 GTJKF2J00 12 T0RMFVVM5 13 AQU7OQ65A 14 KV2UWMZJ9 15 GTJ2PV46O Get 5,000 instantly with a code:During play, pause the game and press Right, Down, Down, Left, L1, Left, Right, Down, Left. Press Start to resume play with an extra $5,000. Pick a level, any level!:To access a level within the NOD mission disk, enter the appropriate code: Level 2: C99FAXKW8Level 3: RZNLQZ3NLLevel 4: W1954XWLFLevel 5: W15DASRS8Level 6: 8PH1MR53WLevel 7: GTJKWOJDKLevel 8: YKK424K3DLevel 9: 874LCPUT4Level 10: A8SHPAHXWLevel 11: OX3UKOP94Level 12: QGDUMSK2JLevel 13: SZP09VDSBCommand Conquer: Red Alertcodes Command Conquer: Red AlertSkip to any stage:Enter at the password screen. Can You Recover Memories of Childhood Abuse EssayGibberish Mode:Hold down the Select button. Tap the following buttons quickly: Left, O, Up, Down, Down, Right, O, Square, Square. Now you should see the message Gibberish Mode Activated. This cheat makes Murray talk total gibberish. Bonus Track:Hold down the Select button. Tap the following buttons quickly: Left, O, O, Triangle, Triangle, O, Up, Right. Now you should see the message Bonus Track Activated. This will make the bonus track selectable just like the normal tracks. Bonus Track:To gain access to the Grand Champion Bonus Track you must finish first in both team and driver points in championship mode. Go into a single race then select the bonus track. FroggerSkip levels and get unlimited lives!:Level Select Pause the game during play and press R, S, T, S, T, R1, L1, R1, L1, O. Infinite Lives Pause the game during play and press R, S, T, S, T, X. G PoliceUnlimited shields, All weapons and unlimited ammo! :For unlimited shields:At the briefing screen press and hold L1+R2+Square then while still holding press Left on the D-pad. For all weapons and unlimited ammo:At the loadout screen(weapon select) press and hold L1+L2+R1+circle+triangle+square. Then while still holding press Left on the D-pad. Gex: Enter the GeckoGex made easy:Infinite lives: UNDEADInvincible: WEASELOne-Liners (Quotes): ALOUDRambling GEX: SENSELESSTo enter these codes press pause during the game then press and Hold L2 and R2. Then press the directions and buttons listed below that spell out the words above. For the letters U or N, push the up key. For the letters D or S, push the down key. For the letters L or W, push the left key. For the letters R or E, push the right key. For the letter, A, push the triangle button. For the letter, O, push the O button. For the letter, X push the X button. Gran TurismoGet money fast and easy:All you have to do is keep entering a race that you know that you can win and keep winning it! Then you can rack up more and more money!!!!! (You can also sell the car that you win as well!) Get back in the race faster after a mishap:If you are racing any fully tuned turbo type car and you spin out. It takes 10-15 seconds to get going again. Instead of watching the competition drive by while you try to get any revs and speed built up try this. When you spin out and come to a stop, hold the gas and the brake at the same time, the revs will build quickly and when you hit the redline release the brake and you take off like a shot. You save tons of time. A brief explanation of what is required to get extra car manufactures, the ending, and hi-fi mode.:After you get the four extra tracks you can beat the four with all classes and will get four extra car manufactures. Then if you beat all 8 tracks in normal mode in all classes you will see the ending. An d last if you beat all tracks in all classes you will be able to use hi-fi mode. Get 2000 dollars more for your car:If you sell a car sell it to the company it was made youll get paid $2,000 more than if you were to sell it to someone like Dodge or Chevy. Four more tracks!:In order to reveal an extra four tracks you need to win all three classes on the first four tracks. Grand Theft AutoInfinite Ammo, Unlock Cities, and More.:GROOVY: All weapons, infinite ammo, get out of jail key, armor. WEYHEY: 9999990 points (level complete)BLOWME: CoordinatesEATTHIS: Max for level of choiceFECK: Liberty city parts 1 and 2TVTAN: San Andreas and Liberty City parts 1 and 2URGE: All cities parts 1 and 2 except Vice City part 1CAPRICE: Level selectCHUFF: No policeTURF: All citiesCar Driver Presents: Grand Tour Racing 98Find the hidden medal for a secret!:Start a race in Hong Kong. Race until you encounter a dirt road, start to slow down a when you see the bridge. Drive across the bridge, and turn right. Head under the bridge and locate the gold medal this will grant you the secret car and track. Grid RunnerSometimes its faster to get flags when youre it:Instead of avoiding your opponent and taking twice as long to collect the flags, try allowing yourself to be it and chasing him down. Your opponent will stay near flags and after you tag him youll have time to run around and collect a couple more. HexenEvery Cheat :From the main game menu, select Options. From the options screen, selec t Pad Config. Once in the configuration menu, Hold down the R2 button and press Right, Down, Right, Triangle, X. You should then hear a sound to let you know the code was entered correctly. If you dont hear anything, try entering the code again. Once the code has been entered correctly, go back to the main menu. You will see a new option called Cheats. You will not be able to access this menu until you start the game. Start a game and hit the pause key. Select Cheats, and you will see various options to make gameplay easier, such as God mode, weapons, keys, etc. Set the cheats up as you like and then quit the cheats menu, then unpause your game. Cheats will now be activated. Hot Shots GolfPlay on the courses backwards!:Highlight a course at the course selection screen, then hold L1+L2 and press X. Happy sounds:Begin game play in multi-player mode. Press X, Triangle, Circle, or Square on the controller not currently in use to play various sounds. Get all of the people and places:Remo ve all memory cards from the PlayStation. Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 on controller two when the screen flashes just before the Hot Shots logo appears during the opening sequence. Keep those buttons held, and press UP, UP, Down, UP, Left, Right, Right, Left, UP, UP, Down, UP, Left, Right, Right, Left on controller two while the Hot Shots logo is in motion. The sound of a wood driver will confirm correct code entry. Play Either Way:Highlight a golfer at the character selection screen, then hold L1 and press X. Impact RacingUnlimited ammo, all weapons available, last level skip, and bonus level:To get the desired effect, enter your chosen code on the password screen: loadsofstuff (unlimited ammo for weapons)all.tooledup (get all weapons) endgamelevel (last level) (indestructible car)bonus.level (bonus level)Incredible Hulk: The Pantheon SagaSkip ahead or back. Your choice.:Level 2: 603EE0C530 Level 3: B08E0F0802Level 4: 000026B698Level 5: 40074DFF12Independence DayPlay any lev el, any time!:Go into the options menu and select the normal difficulty level. Then, without a memory card in the slot, select the load game option and enter any one of the following codes: Washington DBKMONew York GBKMXParis LLSMXMoscow NL9MXTokyo R39NFOahu T59MXLas Vegas Z99MZMothership 399MHJeremy McGrath Supercross 98Extra bikes, reversed tracks, and even more cheats!:Access the Yamaha YZ80 Complete the first race in first place under advanced mode. This will also enable you to race Jeremy one on one. Reversed Tracks Complete the season in first place. Automatic Saved Game LoadingEnter MCGRATH as the players name. Mirrored Tracks Complete the season in first place using the reversed tracks. Jet MotoCant get to all of the tracks? Now you can!:Go into the options menu and set the difficulty level to amateur. Then change the trophy presenter to male. Next, highlight the exit option and press X to return to the title screen. On the directional pad press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left. Now press Left, then X, to enter the options screen. Change the difficulty to professional and change the trophy presenter to riders choice. Now move to the exit option and press X to go back to the title screen. Once here press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right on the pad. Youll hear a sound if it worked. Go ahead and start to play. You will find that after choosing your rider and race type you are now able to select any track you want. Jet Moto 2Gain access to all of the tracks:Use the following steps to enable all tracks, including the alternate tracks. (this is hard to do) Set master difficulty and five laps per race at the options screen Press X on Lil Dave at the 1 player select screen, then go back to title screen. Press Up, Down, Left, Right, R2, R1, L2, L1 within four seconds at the title screen. Set three laps per race at the options screen. Then press X on Wild Ride at the 1 player select screen, then go back to title screen. Press Up, Left, Down, Right, Square, R2, Circle, L2 within four seconds at the title screen. Set amateur difficulty and turbos off at the options screen. Press X on Bomber at the 1 player select screen, then go back to title screen. Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Left, Right within four seconds at the title screen. Set professional difficulty and turbos on at the options screen. Press R2, R1, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L2 within four seconds at the title screen. Its an enigma!:Set master difficulty and 6 laps per race at the options screen. Press Left, Square, Down, Triangle, Right, Circle, L1, R1 within four seconds at the title screen. Secret modes and characters:If you beat Jet Moto 2 on the hardest difficulty setting a secret setting and character will be revealed. Everytime you earn a trophy with a character a secret opens up. Try to get a trophy with all of the characters to see all of the secrets. Jumping Flash! 2Super and Extra Modes:When you beat Jumping Flash 2 you have the opportunity to replay the game in Super Mode. In Super Mode you can Super Jump six levels of jumping by pressing the jump button each time you reach the full height of a jump. Finish the game in Super Mode, and you can play Extra Mode a higher level of difficulty. King Of Fighters 95Play as the boss characters:At the characters selection screen, select for Team Edit. Then, WHILE HOLDING , Press in this order:Up + Circle, Right + Square, Left + X, Down + Triangle. Legacy of KainBlood refill, Magic refill, and cinemas:During play simply push the buttons and directions listed for each code: Blood RefillUp, Right, Square, Circle, Up, Down, Right, LeftMagic RefillRight, Right, Square, Circle, Up, Down, Right, LeftAccess to all cinemas in the Dark DiaryLeft, Right, Square, Circle, Up, Down, Right, LeftLost World: Jurassic Park90 lives with any of the characters!:Enter these codes at the password screenCompy with 90 lives: x,x,o,t,s,x,s,x,o,s,t,sHunter with 90 lives: s,s,t,o,x,s,s,s,s,x,o,tRaptor with 90 lives: x,x,o,t,s,x,s,x,s,s,t,oT-Rex with 90 lives: x,x,o,t,s,s,s,x,t,s,t,sHuman prey with 90 lives: s,s,t,o,x,x,s,s,t,x,o,tDebug Menu: Enter this code three times in a row for it to work. The first two times it will say that the code is wrong. On the third try it will say it is correct. The code is: s,x,o,t,t,x,s,o,t,o,x,sKey: X=X O=O T=Triangle S=SquareEnter one of these codes at the password entry screen:To play as the Compy with twenty lives ente r: X, X, O, O, T, T, T, O, O, S, S, OTo play as the Human Hunter with twenty lives enter:S, S, T, T, O, O, T, T, S, X, X, TTo play as the Raptor with twenty lives enter:O, O, X, X, S, S, S, X, T, T, S, TTo play as the T-rex with twenty lives enter:T, T, S, S, X, S, T, S, X, O, O, OTo play as the Human Prey with twenty lives enter:O, O, X, X, S, X, T, X, X, T, T, TMachine HunterKill enemies with only one shot :Enter the following password at the password screen to make your bullets more powerful than you could possibly imagine. GRIMREAPER Madden NFL 97See all the cinemas and extra teams:To view all the cinematic sequences in Madden 97 press L1 and R1 together when you first turn on the game, until the cinematic screen comes up. Instead of going to the introduction, the game will go to a screen that says cinematic. To view them, just click on the screens at the bottom. At the user screen, enter TIBURON. Press X to accept this name, then press O to back out. At the team select screen, there should be 7 new teams for you to play. Madden 97 code at the exhibition screen press L2 and R2 until you get an otherwise hidden standout team. Marvel Super HeroesSecret characters:To play as Thanos beat the game once then select arcade mode. At the character select screen highlight Spider-Man then press up twice on the D-pad holding up the second time. While holding up quickly press and hold strong punch, then press and hold medium punch, and finally press and hold weak punch. If done correctly Thanos should be selected. To play as Dr. Doom beat the game once then select arcade mode. At the character select screen highlight Spider-Man then press down twice on the D-pad holding down the second time. While holding down quickly press and hold weak kick, then press and hold medium kick, then press and hold strong kick. You can let up on all of the buttons this should select Dr. Doom. MechWarrior 2Maintain proper speed:Simply enter this at the password screen #, A, X, 0, /, A, 4, Y, Y, AYou got the shells:Enter this at the password screen T, O, X, 0, /, A, X, , T, UPlay all the missions!:Simply enter this at the password screen T,

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Solutions to Homework Assignments Essay Example

Solutions to Homework Assignments Paper The line is GAG (the last line on the front page of the individual tax return). Though both types Of deductions may reduce a taxpayers taxable income, for GAG deductions are generally more valuable to taxpayers because they reduce GAG which may allow taxpayers to deduct more of their from GAG deductions (and other tax benefits) that are subject to GAG limitations. From GAG deductions dont affect GAG. 11. Why are some deductions called above-the-line deductions and others are called towel-line deductions? What is the line? The line is adjusted gross income (GAG). GAG is considered the line because of the significance it plays in the amount of deductions allowed from GAG. for GAG deductions are called bother-line deductions because they are deducted in determining GAG. From GAG deductions are called below-the-line deductions because they are deducted after GAG has been determined. They are deducted from GAG to arrive at taxable income, Below-the-line deductions may be subject to limitations based on the taxpayers GAG. 2. What is the difference between a tax deduction and a tax credit? Is one more beneficial than the Other? Explain. A deduction generally reduces taxable income dollar for dollar (although from GAG deductions may not reduce taxable income dollar for dollar). This translates into a tax savings in the I mount Of the deduction times the marginal tax rate. In contrast, credits reduce a taxpayers taxes payable dollar for dollar. Thus. Generally speaking, credits are more valua ble than deductions. 20. We will write a custom essay sample on Solutions to Homework Assignments specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Solutions to Homework Assignments specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Solutions to Homework Assignments specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Isabella provides of the support for her father Hastings who lives in an apartment by himself and has no gross income, Is it possible for Isabella to claim a dependency exemption for her father? Explain. Because her father meets the relationship and gross income test for a qualifying relative, the support test is the only obstacle for Isabella to claim a dependency exemption for her father _ The basic support test requires that Isabella must have provided more than half of the support for her father in order to claim a dependency exemption for him. Because Isabella provides only 30% of her fathers support, she does not meet the basic test. However, Isabella could potentially qualify to claim a dependency exemption for her father under a multiple support agreement. For Isabella to qualify, the following requirements must be met: 1. No other taxpayer paid over half of her fathers support. 2. Isabella and at least one other person provided more than half the support of her father, and Isabella and the other person or persons would have men allowed to claim an exemption for Hastings except for the fact that neither met the support test. . Isabella provided over 10% of her fathers support (she provided 30%). 4 The other person or persons who provided more than 10% of Hastings support must provide a signed statement to Isabella agreeing not to claim Hastings as a dependent. Isabella would include the names, addresses, and social security numbers of each other person on a Form 2120- which she would include with her tax return for the year, 31 Rank the following three single taxpayers in order of the magnitude of taxable income (from lowest to highest) and explain your results. Aimed Gross Income Deductions Poor GAG Itemized Deductions $ 80,000 8,000 0 Baker S 80,000 4,000 4,000 Chin S 80,000 0 8,000 Chin has the highest taxable income, followed by Baker and then Aimed. Chins taxable income is highest because he had no for GAG deductions, and Aimed has the lowest because he had the most for GAG deductions. Baker did not benefit from the itemized deductions because they did not exceed the standard deduction. Chin only benefited from the itemized deductions to the extent the deductions exceeded the standard deduction. See the following analysis: Description Aimed Baker Chin Computation (1) Gross income (2) For GAG deductions (3) Adjusted gross income (4) Standard deduction (5) Itemized deductions (6) Greater of standard deductions or itemized deductions (7) personal and dependency exemptions 580,000 (8, COO) $72,000 (6,100) 0 (6, 100) 580,000 (4, COO) $76,000 (6,100) (4,000) (6,100) 580,000 0 580,000 (6, 100) (8, COO) (8,000) Aimed: (4) > (5) Baker: (4) > (5) Chin: (S) > (4) (1)+ (2) Single taxpayer (3,900) 3,900 x I (personal exemption) Taxable income 562,000 $66,000 $68,100 32. Caraways husband passed away in 2012. She needs to determine whether jasmine, her 17-year old step-daughter who is single, qualifies as her dependent in 2013. Jasmine is a resident but not a citizen of the united States. She lived in Cassowary;s home from June IS through December 31 , 2013. Cassowary provided more than halt of Jasmines support for the 2013. A. Is Cassowary allowed to claim a dependency exemption for Jasmine for 2013? Yes, Cassowary may claim a dependency exemption for Jasmine in 2013. Jasmine meets the citizenship/ residency test because she is a resident Of the United States, and she meets he requirements to be considered Caraways qualifying child as follows: Test Relationship Age Residence Support Jasmine Yes, stepdaughter qualifies Jasmine is under 19 at the end of the year Jasmine had the same principal residence as Cassowary for more than half the year Jasmine does not provide more than half her own support. B. Would Cassowary be allowed to claim a dependency exemption for Jasmine for 2013 if Cassowary provided more than half of Jasmines support in 2013, Jasmine lived in Caraways home from July 15 through December 31 of 2013, and Jasmine reported gross income of $5,000 in 2013? No. Jasmine would fail the qualifying child test because she did not have the same principal residence as Cassowary for more than half the year. Jasmine would fail the qualifying relative test because her gross income exceeds the 53,900 personal exemption amount for 2013. C. Would Cassowary be allowed to claim a dependency exemption for Jasmine for 2013 if Cassowary provided more than half of Jasmines support in 201 3, Jasmine lived in Caraways home from July 15 through December 31 of 2013, and Jasmine reported gross income of $2,500 in 2013? Yes, Jasmine would qualify as Caraways qualifying relative as allows: Test Relationship Support Gross income Jasmine Yes, stepdaughter qualifies Cassowary provided more than half Of Jasmines support Jasmines gross income does not exceed the dependency exemption amount. 44. Gary and Lakes were married on December 31 last year. They are now preparing their taxes for the April 15 deadline and are unsure of their filing status. A. What filing status options do Gary and Lakes have for last year? To be married for filing status purposes, taxpayers must be married at the end of the year. Although Gary and Lakes were married on the last day of the year, hey are still considered married for the entire year tort filing purposes. Gary and Lakes may file as married filing jointly, or they may elect to file as married filing separately. B. Assume instead that Gary and Lakes were married on January I of this year, What is their filing status for last year (neither has been married before and neither had any dependents last year)? Single. Gary and Lakes were not married at the end of the year, therefore they must both file single, 48 In each of the following independent situations, determine the taxpayers filing status and the number of personal and dependency exemptions the sprayer is allowed to claim. A. Prank is single and supports his 17-year-old brother, Bill. Bill earned $3,000 and did not live with Frank. Single with two exemptions; one personal and one dependency exemption for Bill. 4 Frank Will file as single, not head Of household. Bill is not a qualifying person for purposes of the head of household test because Bill did not live as member of Franks household for more than half the year. Frank can claim an exemption for Bill because Bill qualifies as Franks qualifying relative as follows: Test Relationship Age Residence Support Gross income b. Bill Yes, Bill is taxpayers brother, Not applicable to qualifying relative Not applicable to qualifying relative Yes, more than half of Bills support is provided by Frank. Yes, Bills gross income ($3,000) is less than the exemption amount, Geneva and her spouse reside with their son, Steve, who is a 20-year-old undergraduate student at State University. Steve earned $13,100 at a part-time summer job, but he deposited this money in a savings account for graduate school. Geneva paid all of the $12,000 cost of supporting Steve. Married filing jointly with two personal exemptions and one dependency exemption for Steve Steve meets the test to be Geneva and her husbands qualifying child as follows: Test Relationship Age Residence Support Steve Yes, Steve is the taxpayers son. Yes, under age 24 and a full-time student (and younger than parents). Yes, temporary absences away at school count as time in the parents home Yes, even though the Steve earned $13,100, he did not use any of that money to provide for his support. Staves parents provided more than half (all, in fact) Of his support for the year. A qualifying child is not subject to the gross income test. Hams spouse died last year, and Hams has not remarried. Hams supports his father Reggae, age 78, who lives in a nursing home and had interest income this year of SO,500. Head of household with two exemptions. Hams is not a qualifying widower because he does not maintain a household for a dependent child. However, he does qualify for head of household because he is not married and he pays more than halt the cost of maintaining a separate household that is the principal place of abode for his father, and his father also qualifies as his dependent (as a qualifying relative) as follows: Test Relationship Age Reggae Yes, Reggae is Hams father. Not applicable to qualifying relative Residence Support Gross income Not applicable to qualifying relative Yes, Hams provides more than half Of Regiss support. Yes, Regiss gross income of $2,500 is less than the exemption amount. Because Reggae is considered to be Hams qualifying relative (and a qualifying person for purposes of the head of household filing status). Hams may also claim a dependency exemption for Reggae. D. Irene is married but has not seen her spouse since February. She supports her spouses 18-year-old child Dolores, who lives with Irene. Dolores earned $4,500 this year. Head of household with two exemptions. Irene qualifies for being treated as unmarried for the year (abandoned spouse) as follows: Test Married Separate Return Maintains Home Time Separated Irene Yes, Irene is still married at the end of the year, Yes, Irene files a separate return from her spouse, Yes, Irene provides more than halt the cost to maintaining a home tort a quailing child. Yes, Irene has not lived with her spouse for the last six months of the year. Because she is treated as though she were unmarried, she may file as head of household because she pays more than half the costs (for more than half the usable year) of maintaining a household that is the principal place of abode for a dependent who is her qualifying child. Dolores is Irene qualifying child, as determined below: Test Relationship Age Residence Support Dolores Yes, Dolores is the taxpayers stepchild. Yes, under age 19 (and younger than Irene) Yes, Dolores lived with taxpayer for more than half of the year _ Yes, Dolores did not provide more than half of her own support. Irene may claim one personal exemption for herself and one dependency exemption for Dolores. E. Assume the same facts as in part d. Also assume that Craig is Urines husband. Craig supports his 12-year-old son Ethan, who lives with Craig. Ethan did not earn any income. Head of household with two exemptions. Craig qualifies for being treated as unmarried (abandoned spouse rules) as follow. Was: 6 Test Married Separate Return Maintains Home Time Separated Irene Yes, Craig is still married at the end of the year. Yes, Craig files a separate return trot his spouse. Yes, Craig provides more than halt the cost to maintaining a home for a qualifying child. Yes, Craig has not lived with his spouse tort the last six months of the year. Because he is treated as though she were unmarried, he may file as head of should because he pays more than half the costs (for more than half the taxable year) of maintaining a household that is the principal place of abode for a dependent who is his qualifying child. Ethan is Crags qualifying child, as determined below: Test Relationship Age Residence Support Dolores Yes, Ethan is the taxpayers child. Yes, under age I g (and younger than Craig) Yes, Ethan lived with taxpayer for more than half of the year. Yes, Ethan did not provide more than half Of his own support. Craig may claim one personal exemption for himself and one dependency exemption for Ethan. Note that both Irene in part d. ND Craig may claim head of household filing status because they both qualify to be treated as unmarried for filing status purposes. 54 Demeanor and Jeanine Jackson have been married for 20 years and have four children who quality as their dependents (Damascus, Jeanine, Michael, and Candace).